

Eisenberg, Südburgenland

The Jalits winery is a traditional family winery that goes back 5 generations in the southern Burgenland region of Eisenberg (iron hill). Prior to Mathias Jalits, the current winemaker, and his parents Anna and Alfred, the grapes grown buy the Jalits family were made into wine for family and local consumption as well as sold to others to make wine. Mathias has been responsible for operations since 2001 and has truly taken grape growing and wine making to a professional level, now farming 32 acres (primarily blaufrankisch).

The Eisenberg is possibly the most unspoiled wine landscape in Burgenland with only 1230 acres of vineyards stretching from the town of Rechnitz in the north to Gussing in the south. "On the Eisenberg, we greatly benefit from the ideal circumstances for pressing incomparable wines which are typical for the region. We focus on enhancing the traditional and we avoid making daring experiments. However, this doesn't mean that we completely reject new ideas and innovations. The traditional can always change for the better but one should never lose sight of the region's strengths." Mathias Jalits

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